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This module converts 4 CV/GATE/TRIGGER to 4 S-TRIG (actually GATE).

It means Lyra-8 can be controlled by audio signal. The source can be soundcard, lfo, envelope, CV or trigger sequencer, in short anything sending CV.

With the fp.MiditoPulse M4L plugin provided, midi note velocity (+ polypressure) is converted to audio pulses. So it is now possible to play "velocity" with different responses depending on the pulse width and rate.

3U / 2hp / 20mm deep / It does not draw current

It is sold by pair (2 ASSEMBLED eurorack modules).
Cables to connect modules to Lyra-8 are NOT provided. You can use crocodile clips or make your own.

Shipping worldwide except if your country is not deserved by Japan. Please check here:


The fp.MidiToPulse plugin is a midi to audio pulses converter.
The pulses can be played through a soundcard dc coupled or not.
DC coupled: you can play long gate.
AC coupled: you HAVE to play only short triggers.

You can download it here:

Ok up to OSX Big Sur. It should work on Windows but I didn't check it...


The trick is to send short triggers (let say 10ms) and varying the rate. At slow rate, low velocity. At high rate, high velocity.
The plugin converts midi velocity to rate of the pulser. You can set min/max rate and lenght of the pulses.

With a modular synth, there is probably many way to do it. With a square LFO short pulse width (PW). Or with a trigger sequencer playing ratchets. Even probably any waveforms of LFOs. Just experiment. That is the fun part of modular.
The module will play/activate the Lyra's sensor when it receives a voltage above 0,7V.
All the inputs are normalled. Meaning, if only one input is plugged, the 4 outputs will play.

A sustained note (as long as you want) with low volume = short triggers (Pulse Width 5 to 10ms) at slow rate around 10Hz (ie 100ms) or PW 1ms/Rate 10ms or PW 4ms/Rate 40ms. Every settings give different results.


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2 CV-Gate to S-Trig eurorack modules + M4L plugin

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